The Relationship between Learning Outcome and Perceived Competence on Maritime and Aquatic Life Support of Naval Rating Students Enrolled in Diploma of Science Program in Emergency Medical Operation, Naval Operational Medicine School
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This descriptive research aimed to investigate the perceived performance of maritime and aquatic life support together with the relationship between learning outcomes and perceptions of 60 Naval Rating Students, enrolled in Diploma of Science Program in Emergency Medical Operation, Naval Operational Medicine School, Naval Medical Department, academic year 2020. The content validity of the questionnaire of emergency operations on water and sea was examined by 3 experts. Data were analyzed using statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson's product moment correlation, with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.95.
The results showed a high level of perceived competence overall, with the highest average score on the aquatic rescue guidelines, followed by the basic aquatic rescue and principles. In contrast, the aquatic casualties evacuation and transportation guidelines showed the lowest score, especially in emergency medical system for aquatic environment. The relationship between the learning outcomes found that the efficacy of the study did not correlate with the perceived performance of maritime and aquatic life support.
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