Prevalence of Elevated Total Arsenic in Urine of Industrial Plant Workers

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สุมิตร ธนประกอบ


This study was a cross-sectional method. This research aimed to study the prevalence elevated of total arsenic in urine of the workers who work in oil and gas production industrial, both onshore and offshore including male and female from age 20 - 60 years. Material and method used the Bangkok Hospital and Bangkok Prapadaeng Hospital medical records of total arsenic in urine and / or inorganic arsenic and methylated metabolites from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2015 by using N-Health Laboratory facilities analysis, the total 574 workers. The result revealed that the prevalence of total arsenic and inorganic arsenic and methylated metabolites which were higher than normal level in workers who work in onshore/offshore in oil and gas production industrials was 25.96 percent and 4.76 percent, respectively. Conclusion; The workers who work onshore and offshore in oil and gas production industrial had elevated of total arsenic in urine. Suggestion to conduct prospective study and walkthrough survey in the future.

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Research Article


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