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อาทิตยา ดวงมณี
อานันทนา ชื่นวิสิทธิ์
อมรทิพย์ ณ บางช้าง


This study aimed to investigate the needs assessment of maritime medicine knowledge of the faculty members at Royal Thai Navy College of Nursing (RTNCN). The subjects were 35 RTNCN faculty members. The research instruments were expert interview form about maritime medicine knowledge and 60 items of rating scales questionnaire was designed to identify needs of maritime medicine knowledge by using the dual-response format. The reliability of questionnaire was 0.99. The response rate was 82.86 %. The data was analysed for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and needs assessments by using Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI modified)
  The results showed RTNCN faculty members had the needs of maritime medicine knowledge are needed to be developed in every aspects. The needs of knowledge were: 1) Aviation medicine (PNI modified = 1.45) 2) Knowledge related to Maritime medicine (PNI modified = 1.30) 3) Naval medicine (PNI modified = 1.00) 4) Occupational medicine (PNI modified = 0.99) 5) Emergency medicine (PNI modified = 0.82) and 6) Underwater and hyperbaric medicine (PNI modified = 0.73) respectively.  It was complied with RTNCN faculty members self-evaluation that they had a low level of maritime medicine knowledge in every aspects (Mean = 1.69 - 2.49, SD = 0.64 - 0.81), while Aviation medicine aspect was at the lowest level (Mean = 1.48, SD = 0.64). Moreover, the self expectation about the needs of marine medicine knowledge in every aspects were at high level (Mean = 3.63 - 4.31, SD = 0.72 - 1.02).

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Research Article


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