Factors Related to Hyperbilirubinemia in New Born

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กินรี ชัยสวรรค์
ธนพร แย้มสุดา


The purposes of this research were to study factors related to hyperbilirubinemia in new born. The samples were 132 qualified mothers and the new born who received the nursing services at new born clinic, Somdech Phra Pinkloa hospital. Data was collected by using questionnaire of mothers and new born biodata and medical record checklist. The Chisquare was applied as the analytical statistic tool to analyzed the relationship between pregnancy complications, labor complications, lack of lactation, the labor procedures, gestational age, birth weight, trauma during labor, tongue-tie in new born and hyperbilirubinemia in new born.
The research finding revealed that there were 3 factors related to hyperbilirubinemia in new born with resulting of statistical reliability of .05 significantly, the labor complications, gestational age and tongue-tie in new born. The pregnancy complications, lack of lactation, the labor procedures, birth weight, and trauma during labor  ere not related to hyperbilirubinemia in new born. Thus, the early detection of factors in mothers and new born should be done for suitable nursing care plan to prevent and decrease hyperbilirubinemia in new born.

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Research Article


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