Antecedent Variables of Organizational Commitment of Professional Nurses : A Meta–Analysis

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Kulab Srihomjun
Chanokporn Jitpanya
Areewan Oumtanee


The purposes of this meta-analysis study were to describe research characteristics of antecedent variables of organizational commitment of professional nurses and to identify and analyze the antecedent variables of organizational commitment of professional nurses. The samples consisted of 45 Thai master’s thesis that focused on the organizational commitment of professional nurses conducting during 1995 - 2015. Purposive sampling procedure was used to select the sample into the study. The research instrument was the research record form composed of three parts; 1) research selecting, 2) research evaluation, and 3) research characteristics and research results. The instruments were tested content validity by five experts. The data were analyzed by using meta-analysis method of Glass, McGaw, Smith.
The research findings were as follows: 1) The research characteristics consisted of three characteristics including general, substantive and methodological characteristics; 2) The antecedent variables of organizational commitment of professional nurses including organizational factor (r = .405), leadership factor (r = .398), job characteristics factor (r = .375) and personal factor (r = .187), respectively.
Recommendations: Organizational factor and leadership factor had high correlation with organizational commitment of professional nurses, respectively. Therefore, nurse leaders should focus on improving organizational and leadership factors in order to encourage organizational commitment of professional nurses.

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