การจัดการความรู้ : เครื่องมือขับเคลื่อนสู่องค์กรแห่งการเรียนรู้และองค์กรขีดสมรรถนะสูง

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ธนพร แย้มสุดา


Knowledge management is a tool in managing an organization towards becoming a learning organization. The learning organization means an organization that knowledge is taking place throughout an organization, go through self-transformation, create new innovations in response to current dynamics, evaluate and analyze its performance, work on human resources development, and improve its productivity and efficiency to meet with target goals by connecting management with other dimensions. These organizations will have the ability to adapt to the changing environment effectively, deliver quality outcomes, and finally, be recognized as a high performance organization. This article presents the concept of knowledge management, the connection between knowledge management, learning organization and high performance organization. And the way of using knowledge management to drive the learning organization and high performance organization effectively.

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Academic Article


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