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แจ่มจันทร์ จันทร์แจ้ง
พรชัย สิทธิศรัณย์กุล
เสฏฐศิริ แสงสุวรรณ


The objectives of this study were to compare prevalence and associated factors of hypertension between ship officers and in-land officers of the Royal Thai Navy. This study was an analytic cross-sectional study of 670 naval ship officers and 647 in-land officers in Sattahip district, Chonburi province. Data was collected by self-administered questionnaires. The blood pressure was measured and recorded by medical personnel. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The prevalences of hypertension were compared by proportion test. The associated factors were analyzed by multiple logistic regression. Prevalence of hypertension in ship officers was 31.2 percent, statistically less than prevalence of hypertension in in-land officers, which was 41.1 percent, for 9.9 percent (95% CI 4.75, 15.08). The associated factors of hypertension in ship officers were smoking, hyperlipidemia, alcohol consumption, age and BMI, respectively. While, the associated factors of hypertension for in-land officers were age and BMI. The prevalence of hypertension among naval officers was associated with health behaviors, increasing age and BMI rather than the difference of working unit. Thus, health promotion program for naval officers should emphasize on smoking cessation, reducing alcohol consumption and diet-control.

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Research Article


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