ปัจจัยที่สัมพันธ์กับระยะเวลาการเข้าถึงการได้รับยา rt-PA หลังเกิดอาการหลอดเลือดสมองขาดเลือดระยะเฉียบพลันในผู้สูงอายุ

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ศรัญญา จิตรใจฉ่ำ
วิไลพรรณ สมบุญตนนท์
วีนัส ลีฬหกุล
อรพรรณ โตสิงห์


This study was a descriptive research that aimed to study factors related to the time to access the rt-PA after the onset of acute ischemic stroke among older adults. The sample group included 88 caregivers or relatives and older adults. Data was collected using questionnaire targeting personal data, reasons for coming to the hospital, transportation of the patient to the hospital, evaluation of the perception of acute ischemic stroke warning signs and the evaluation of the perception of the severity of acute ischemic stroke. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlation analysis with the Spearman rank difference method.
Results revealed that the perception of the warning signs and severity of acute ischemic stroke by the relatives was negatively related to the time to access the rt-PA significantly at rs = -.649, p < .01; rs = -.744, p < .01, respectively. The severity of acute ischemic stroke was negatively related to the time to access the rt-PA significantly at rs = -.258, p < .05 while there was no significant relationship between the transportation of the patients with acute ischemic stroke to the hospital and the time to access the rt-PA (rs = -.197, p < .05).

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Research Article


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