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The objectives of this cross-sectional study were to access the quality of work life, work motivation, social support of professional nurses, and to find the relationships between individual characteristics, work motivation, social support, and quality of work life of professional nurses in a public university hospital. Data was collected by 387 questionnaires from a sample population who had worked at the hospital for at least a year. The response rate was 94.3%. Reliability values were 0.90 for quality of nursing work life, 0.88 for work motivation, and 0.92 for social support. Data was analyzed by using simple linear regression and stepwise multiple linear regression analysis by setting statistical significance at p < .05.
The research results revealed that 64.1% of the professional nurses had a moderate level quality of work life. The overall work motivation and social support were reported to be at a moderate level of 64.1% and 60.3%, respectively. Gender, the total monthly income, and sufficient income were positively related to the quality of work life with a statistical significance level of p < .05. Work motivation and social support were positively related to the quality of work life at a statistical significant level of p < .001. There were eight factors predicting the quality of work life i.e. work motivation of work itself, informational support, work motivation from achievement, sufficient income, work motivation of growth in the job, being female, instrumental support, and monthly income. These factors were able to predict the quality of work life of professional nurses at 63.2% (R2adj. = 0.63
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