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The purpose of this research was to examine the competency of hyperbaric nurses. The delphi technique was used. Participants were 20 experts. The delphi technique consisted of three steps. Step one, all experts were asked to described competency of hyperbaric nurses. Step two, the data were analyzed using content analysis to develop a rating scale questionnaire. All items in the questionnaire were ranked for the level of competency by a prior panel of experts. In step three, items were analyzed using median and interquartile range to develop a second version of questionnaire. The second questionnaire was sent to previous 20 experts for their confirmation. Ranked item were analyzed using median and interquartile again to summarize competency of hyperbaric nurses. The result revealed that the competency of hyperbaric nurses consisted of 4 competencies as follows: 1) Nursing competency specialty in HBOT consisted of 14 items. 2) Educating and communicating competency consisted of 10 items. 3) Risk management competency consisted of 9 items and 4) Quality development competency consisted of 6 items
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