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The objectives of this one group pretest-posttest experimental design research were 1) to study the needs for enhancing Thai traditional medicine wisdom of Thai Spas, 2) to develop the training package for enhancing Thai traditional medicine wisdom of Thai Spas, and 3) to evaluate the developed training package. Therefore, the study process was divided into three steps. In Step One, the researcher studied the need for enhancing local wisdom for Thai traditional medicine practiced at Thai spas. The sample population consisted of 400 service providers at these spas. The research instrument developed by reviewing related literature about local wisdom for Thai traditional medicine, used to collect data was a five-rating scale questionnaire, the internal coherence of which was established at the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient reliability level of 0.96. Subsequently, using techniques of descriptive statistics, the researcher analyzed the data collected in terms of mean and standard deviation.
In Step Two, the researcher constructed a local wisdom training package for practicing Thai traditional medicine at the aforementioned spas using the data collected and analyzed in Step One. The contents of the draft package were divided into the historical background and significance of problems; objectives; structure of contents; training methods; measurement and evaluation; and four training units. Thence, the draft training set was evaluated for internal congruence and appropriateness by five experts. Incorporating the recommendations of the experts, the researcher then improved the draft training set prior to its implementation.
In Step Three, the training package was evaluated by its experimental mplementation in the training at Tarntara spa of thirty members of the sample population who were service providers at the spas. The researcher employed the one group pretest-posttest experimental design approach. Trainee satisfaction was evaluated and their retention was measured twelve weeks after the completion of training. The research instruments were a form for evaluating the knowledge and ability of service providers in local wisdom in practicing Thai traditional medicine at the spas in addition to a form used to evaluate trainee levels of satisfaction. The data collected were subsequently analyzed in terms of mean, standard deviation and t test. Findings are as follows.
1. The service providers exhibited the need for enhancing their knowledge and
capability in local wisdom for practicing Thai traditional medicine overall at a high level. When considered in each aspect, the need was found to be evinced at a high level for all four aspects in the following descending order: Thai traditional pharmacy; Thai massage; Thai midwifery; and Thai traditional medicine.
2. In the opinion of the five experts, all components of the draft training package were deemed appropriate from a high to the highest levels (X = 4.00 - 4.60), as well as showing internal congruence (IOC = 0.60 - 1.00).
3. Overall and in all aspects, the knowledge and ability in Thai local wisdom for
practicing Thai traditional medicine after the completion of training was higher than prior to its commencement at the statistically significant level of .05. The knowledge of the service providers were overall displayed at a higher level twelve weeks after the immediate completion of training at the statistically significant level of .05, and ability of the service providers were overall displayed at a higher level twelve weeks after the immediate completion of training not the statistically significant level of .05. And in evaluating the levels of participant satisfaction with the training package after the completion of the training, the researcher found that their satisfaction was evinced at a high to the highest levels (X = 4.27 - 4.83)
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