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ณัฐรมย์ ชุติกาโม
รุ้งระวี นาวีเจริญ
วรุตม์ โล่ห์สิริวัฒน์


The purposes aims of this research were to study factors influencing quality of life
in colorectal cancer adult patients with colostomy. 110 participants with colostomy were
selected from super tertiary care hospital by multi-stage sampling strategy. The research
instruments comprised patients’ demographic data and colorectal cancer data and treatment
record forms, the quality of life index, assessment scale, self-esteem assessment scale and
self-care assessment scale of colorectal cancer adult patients with colostomy’s. The reliabilities
were 0.92, 0.78, 0.88 and 0.95, repectively. Descriptive quantitative statistics and multiple regressions
were used in statistical analysis. The results present as following:
Colorectal cancer adult patients with colostomy had high level of quality of life
(X = 67.10, SD = 14.56). Significant factors predicting QOL were self-esteem (Beta = 0.466),
followed by self-care (Beta = 0.355) and knowledge in colorectal cancer adult patients with
colostomy (Beta = 0.237) and explained 73.70% of the variability in overall QOL (R2 = 0.73).

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Research Article


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