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ทัณฑิภา เรืองทิพย์
ดวงรัตน์ วัฒนกิจไกรเลิศ
วิชชุดา เจริญกิจการ
ฉัตรกนก ทุมวิภาต


This study was conducted to determine the predictive correlations by studying
the medication adherence in patients with chronic heart failure and also focused on the
influence of the severity of disease, financial status, barriers to medication adherence and
patient-provider relationships in co-predicting medication adherence in patients with chronic
heart failure. The sample was composed of 120 patients with chronic heart failure who were
treated at the Outpatient department of a tertiary hospital. Data were collected using questionnaires
namely, the personal data, the severity of disease evaluation assessment form, the
barriers to medication adherence assessment form, the trust in provider assessment form
and the medication adherence assessment form. All data were analyzed using descriptive
statistics and logistic regression analysis.
According to the results, the samples were males (66.7%) with a mean age of
54.28 years (SD = 11.27), medication adherence at 47.5%. Severity of disease, financial status,
barriers to medication adherence and patient-provider relationships were co-predicted the
medication adherence in patients at 17.8% (Nagelkerke R2 = 0.178). Financial status and
patient-provider relationships were also co-predicted the medication adherence with a statistical
significance of OR = 1.76 (p < .05), and OR = 1.06 (p < .05), respectively.
Based on the findings, the researcher recommends the development of programs
to promote patient-provider relationships based on a foundation of trust to promote medication
adherence in patients, assess their financial status and plan to help those with problems to
reduce medication nonadherence.

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Research Article


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