The Comparative Study of the Perception of 3" and 4" Year Nursing Students on their Caring Behaviors, Royal Thai Navy College of Nursing
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This descriptive research aimed to study 1) the caring behaviors by perception of
nursing students in the Royal Thai Navy College of Nursing, 2) compare the caring behaviors
by perception of 3rd and 4th year nursing. This study was conducted with Roach’s conceptual
model of caring behavior (6 C’s) consist of Compassion, Competence, Confidence, Conscience,
Commitment, and Comportment. The sample is 92 nursing students in the 3rd and 4th year
in academic year 2015. The research instrument was a nursing students perception of caring
behavior questionnaires (Reliability = 0.85). Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage,
mean and standard deviation and to compare of caring behaviors with independent t-test.
The result revealed that
1. The overall caring behaviors by perception of the 3rd and 4th year nursing students
were very high (X = 3.38, SD = 0.36). For each subscale, there were also found that the
highest mean score was conscience (X = 3.61, SD = 0.34), confident (X = 3.48, SD = 0.37)
and the lowest mean score was commitment (X = 3.13, SD = 0.36)
2. The caring behaviors by perception of 3rd and 4th year nursing students were not
significantly different at the .05 level.
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