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รัตนรัตน์ ธนเจริญชนันชัย


Retained nasal secretions during respiratory tract infections are a major contributor
to the symptoms of breathing difficulties in young children. During the process of infection,
there is mucosal wall breakdown, leading to swelling and inflammation of the nasal tract
lining, which then leads to hypersecretion of the nasal mucosa. Secretions are normally
initially thin and clear, and often then progress to become viscous and yellow. This process
leads to symptoms of nasal congestion and sneezing commonly found in children. Nasal
irrigation plays a vital role in alleviating such symptoms and is therefore an important aspect
of nursing care in patients with respiratory tract infections. Nurses are of key importance in
giving primary caregivers of a children basic understanding of the process of retained nasal
secretions, the benefits of nasal irrigation, and enabling caregivers with appropriate
competencies to correctly carry out nasal irrigation with children under their care.

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Academic Article