ผลของการกระตุ้นประสาทรับความรู้สึกในผู้ป่วยโรคทางระบบประสาท : การวิเคราะห์อภิมาน

Main Article Content

อุราภรณ์ เชยกาญจน์
ชนกพร จิตปัญญา


The purposes of this meta-analysis were to study methodological, substantive characteristics,
formats, health outcomes of sensory stimulation and to compare the effect of
sensory stimulation on health outcomes in common neurological patients. The samples were
ten studies from full text graduate thesis and other research in Thailand during 1996 to 2013.
Research instruments consisted of an executive summary form, and a research quality evaluation
form. The effect size for each study was calculated using method of Glass, McGaw,
and Smith10. This Meta-analysis yielded 18 effect sizes.
The results of this review revealed that: the majority of these studies were Master’s
thesis in the field of nursing science (90%). All studies were quasi-experimental research (100%).
Most of research studies’ qualities were level 2.c (80%). Also, most samples of these studies
were patients with severe traumatic brain injury (60%). The majority of sensory stimulation
formats were multimodal methods (90%). In addition, most of research outcomes of sensory
stimulation were level of consciousness and responses to arousals (21.8 %). Sensory stimulation
yielded the largest effect size (d=1.62) on responses to arousals outcome while the
smallest effect size (d=0.01) was length of stay. Five sensory modalities stimulation including
tactile, gustatory, olfactory, auditory, and visual, five times a day for 14 days, each lasting
15 to 30 minutes yielded the largest effect size (d=3.97).

Article Details

Research Article


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