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จิตตินันท์ ส่องแสงจันทร์
สุรีพร ธนศิลป์
นพมาศ พัดทอง


The purposes of this predictive research were 1) to describe quality of life in family
caregivers of terminal cancer patients, 2) to examine the relationships of duration of caring,
fatigue, depression, sense of coherence, social support and quality of life of family caregivers
of terminal cancer patients, and 3) to examine the factors predicting quality of life in family
caregivers of terminal cancer patients. The sample was 121 family caregivers of terminal cancer
patients from the outpatient department of 3 tertiary hospitals in Bangkok. The research
instruments comprised of demographic data form, quality of life of family caregiver of cancer
patient scale, fatigue scale, depression scale, sense of coherence scale and social support
scale. The reliability of research instruments were .87, .98, .92, .76 and .91 respectively with
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard
deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient and Stepwise multiple regression. The result showed
the following:
1. Quality of life in family caregivers of terminal cancer patients was rated at the
moderate level (X = 85.96, SD = 20.71).
2. Fatigue and depression were negative correlation related to quality of life in family
caregivers of terminal cancer patients at a statistical significant level of .05 (r = -.64 and -.73).
Sense of coherence and social support were positive correlation related to quality of life in
family caregivers of terminal cancer patients at a statistical significant level of .05 (r = .61
and .34). Duration of caring was not statistical significant related to quality of life in family
caregivers of terminal cancer patients (r = .11, p > .05).
3. The factors predicted quality of life in family caregivers of terminal cancer patients
at a statistical significant level of .05 were depression (Beta = -.43), sense of coherence
(Beta = .26) and fatigue (Beta = -.22). Predictive factors accounted for 62 percent of quality
of life in family caregivers of terminal cancer patients (R2 = .62).

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Research Article


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