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ขันธ์แก้ว ลักขณานุกูล
นรลักษณ์ เอื้อกิจ


This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effects of a symptom management
combined with meditation program on postoperative recovery in patients after coronary artery
bypass graft surgery. Patients under postoperative coronary artery bypass were recruited
from the surgical patients’ ward, a tertiary hospital with purposive sampling and were divided
into an experimental group (n=22) and a control group (n=22) with matching technique for
gender, age, and left ventricular ejection fraction efficiency. The control group was treated
with conventional nursing care while the experimental group was treated with the symptom
management combined with meditation program. The tools were composed of demographic
information, the postoperative recovery profiles, symptom management combined with meditation
program, and the symptom management record and meditation record forms. The content
validity index and reliability of the postoperative recovery profiles were .87 and .85 respectively.
Percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test were used to analyze the data. The results
revealed that:
1. The mean score of postoperative recovery after treating with symptom management
combined with meditation program was significantly higher than that before entering to the
program at the significance level of .05.
2. The mean score of postoperative recovery after treating with symptom management
combined with meditation program in the experimental group was significantly higher than
that in the control group at the significance level of .05.

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Research Article


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