ผลของโปรแกรมเพื่อการเตรียมตัวเพื่อการคลอดต่อความกลัวการคลอด พฤติกรรมการเผชิญความเจ็บปวดและความพึงพอใจต่อประสบการณ์การคลอดในหญิงตั้งครรภ์แรก ของโรงพยาบาลสังกัดกองทัพเรือแห่งหนึ่ง

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นภาภรณ์ เพิ่มทรัพย์
วิไลพรรณ สวัสดิ์พาณิชย์
วรรณี เดียวอิศเรศ


This quasi pretest– posttest control group design experimental research consisting
of two groups was aimed to determine the effects of childbirth preparation on fear of childbirth,
labor pain coping behaviors, and satisfaction with childbirth experiences of primiparous who
visited the antenatal unit and clinical obstetrics unit and gave birth at Somdejpranangchaosirikit
Hospital. The sample was selected by purposive sampling technique and equally
assigned into either a control or experimental group of 26 participants each. Participants in the
control group received routine nursing care, while those in the experimental group received a
childbirth preparation program. The research was conducted in a group at Somdejpranangchaosirikit
Hospital delivery room. Research instruments included Childbirth preparation
Program and Instruments used for data collection were a fear of childbirth questionnaire
(Cronbach’s alpha coefficient = .81), a labor pain coping behavior observation form
(inter-rater reliability = .93), and a Childbirth experience and satisfaction questionnaire (a
labor agentry Scale) (Cronbach’s alpha coefficient = .81). Data were analyzed by descriptive
statistics and t - test.
Results revealed significantly less fear of childbirth mean score (α = .05, t50 = -35.02,
p < .001), significantly higher labor pain coping behavior mean scores (α = .05, t50 = 5.11,
p < .001), and significantly higher satisfaction with childbirth experience mean score (α = .05, t50
= 18.67, p < .001), of those in the experimental group than the control group.
The finding in this study suggests that the childbirth preparation program could reduce
fears of labor pain, help pregnant women to control themselves and cope with the pain, and
perceive positive childbirth experiences. Application of this childbirth preparation should be
promoted for primiparous women.

Article Details

Research Article


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