ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างปัจจัยด้านสภาพแวดล้อมทางการเรียนกับความพร้อมในการเรียนรู้ด้วยการนำตนเองของนักเรียนพยาบาลศาสตร์ วิทยาลัยพยาบาลกองทัพเรือ

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อาทิตยา ดวงมณี
สตรีรัตน์ สุขศรีราช และคณะ


This research aimed to study the readiness for self-directed learning of the nursing
students at Royal Thai Navy College of Nursing, and to study the learning environment
factors which were the facilitator role of the instructors, the relationship with peers and the
physical condition of the surroundings. It also studied about the relationship between the
learning environment factors and the readiness for self-directed learning. The subjects were
stratified randomly selected to include 154 nursing students from first year to fourth year in
academic year 2016 at Royal Thai Navy College of Nursing. The research tools composed of
a questionnaire about the facilitator role of the instructors, a questionnaire about relationship
with peers, a questionnaire about the physical condition of the surroundings, and a readiness
assessment form on self-directed learning. The reliability of the four tools were .95, .79,
.74, and .91 respectively. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, average,
standard deviation, and Pearson correlation coefficient.
The results were shown as following:
1. The readiness for self-directed learning of the nursing students was at a high
level (Mean = 3.71, SD = .39) with the highest average in ability to conduct self-assessment
(Mean = 4.20, SD = .54) and the lowest average in characteristics promoting self-directed
learning which was at the moderate level. (Mean = 3.49, SD = .49)
2. The nursing students reported that the instructors performed the role of facilitator
at a high level (Mean = 3.71 – 3.84, SD = .40 - .68). The relationship with peers was also
rated at a high level (Mean = 4.14, SD = .47) whereas the suitable physical condition of the
surrounding is generally rated at the moderate level. (Mean = 3.25, SD = .56)
3. The moderate positive correlation was found between the readiness for self-directed
learning of the nursing students and the learning environment factors, including the facilitator
role of the instructors, the relationship with peers and the physical condition of the
surroundings at Royal Thai Navy College of Nursing with the significance level at .01 (r =
.595, .387 and .386 respectively). The highest correlation was the relationship between the
role of the instructors in setting the goals and analyzing the learners’ needs and the readiness
for self-directed learning. (r = .494)

Article Details

Research Article


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