การรักษาผู้ป่วยถูกงูกะปะกัดโยการบำบัดด้วยออกซิเจนแรงดันสูง (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy)

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พิชเยนทร์ ศิลป์ศรีกุล


The Malayan Pit Viper is a subfamily of venomous snake which usually hunts on the
ground in the evening, especially on a rainy day. The venom of Malayan Pit Viper mainly
affects the coagulation of blood with an immediate reaction causing swelling. The nature
and severity of symptoms depend on the victim’s body weight, location of the wound, numbers
of lesions, the depth of lesions,as well as the amount of poison received. Ten cases
of Malayan Pit Viper envenomation were reported to the author in late April to August during
the rainy season. Three patients had significant tissue necrosis; 2 had patients compartment
syndrome; 4 patients had both symptoms, necrosis with compartment syndrome: and 1
patient had necrotizing fasciitis. Five patients had Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) in
order to treat and/or prevent compartment syndrome. An additional 5 patients received
HBOT in order to promote wound healing.The results showed that HBOT could reduce
swelling and improve wound healing in every case without any complications.

Article Details

Case Report