ผลของการสอนสุขศึกษาด้วยวิธีใช้สื่อประสมต่อความรู้และพฤติกรรมมารดาในการดูแลผู้ป่วยเด็กวัยเตาะแตะที่เป็นโรคปอดอักเสบ หอผู้ป่วยกุมารเวชกรรม โรงพยาบาลสมเด็จพระปิ่นเกล้า

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จิตสิริ รุ่นใหม่
อาริสา อินเสือ
อิสราภรณ์ ทองสุพรรณ์
สุวพรรณ ตันประภา
ธนพร แย้มสุดา


This experimental research was designed to study the effect of using multimedia
tools on knowledge and maternal behaviors on caring for toddlers with pneumonia in Pediatric
ward of Somdech Phra Pinklao Hospital. The samples composed of 60 mothers whose child
aged from 1 to 3 years old who had been diagnosed with common pneumonia selected by
purposive sampling. Sampling was divided into 2 groups, each group composed of 30
mothers which were matched in pairs according to their age, social status, and educational
level. The knowledge of control and experimental group were assessed using questionnaires
developed by the researchers within 24 hours after admission. The experimental
group was taught through multimedia, while the controlled group received the traditional
health teaching. Both groups received health teachings and were tested again after teaching
before they were discharged from the ward. The incidence of patients with recurrent
pneumonia within 28 days after discharge was recorded. The data were analyzed by using
Independent t-test
The study revealed that, mothers taught by multimedia tools had higher scores in
both knowledge and caring behaviors than mothers who were given traditional health
teaching with a statistical significance of p<0.05. No incidence of recurrent pneumonia in
mothers taught by multimedia. In conclusion, the multimedia instructions given to mothers
of toddlers suffering from pneumonia is more reliable tool for health teaching than the traditional

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Research Article