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จิตรสุดา สว่างอารมณ์
ทิพย์วัลย์ วงศ์คำปัน
ปรมาภรณ์ ทองบุญเหลือ
ธนพร แย้มสุดา


The purpose of this research was to study the effects of information support program
on anxiety of mother with low birth weight Infants. The sample composed of mothers agedbetween
16-45 years, who gave birth to infants with weight less than 2,500 grams including
pre-term (gestational age between 28-36 weeks) and full-term (gestational age between
37-42 weeks). These low birth weight infants were admitted after birth in the sick newborn
ward of Somdejpranangchaosirikit Hospital, excluding the low birth weight infants with
abnormalities and serious disorders. The study was performed among 30 mothers who had
anxiety scores at a high level within 94 points or more. The instruments were the anxiety
assessment scale, and the information support program designed by the researchers. The
quality of the instruments was verified by experts in aspect of content validity and the reliability
was at 0.93. The intervention was administered to each mother individually in three
sessions. Each session was about 20 minutes in 3 consecutive days. The statistics were
analyzed using average, percentage and compared the effect by paired t-test.
The results showed that mothers with low birth weight infants who received information
support program had lower anxiety scores in the posttest than those in the pretest
with statistical significance of .01

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Research Article