ภาพลักษณ์พยาบาลเชิงวิชาชีพตามการรับรู้ของนักศึกษาพยาบาลชั้นปีที่ 4

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นันทวัน ไม้แก่น
นุจรี ไชยมงคล
โสรัตน์ วงษ์สุทธิธรรม


The image of the professional nurse as perceived by senior nursing students would
be a significant reflection of the self-image of nurses and what a nurse should be. This
descriptive and comparative study aimed to compare the actual and ideal images of the
professional nurse as perceived by senior nursing students, and compare actual and ideal
images of professional nurse among the differences of sex, having a relative as a nurse,
cumulative GPA, receiving a scholarship and institution of study of the senior nursing
students. Multi-stage random sampling was used to recruit a sample of 185 senior nursing
students. Research instruments included a demographic questionnaire, the actual image of
the professional nurse questionnaire and the ideal image of the professional nurse questionnaire.
The Internal consistency coefficients were .90 and .87, respectively. Data were analyzed
using descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA.
Results revealed that the senior nursing students had ideal image perception of
professional nurse higher than those with actual image perception (t = 24.58, p.001). For the
actual image of the professional nurse, female had higher perception than male (t = 2.725,
p.01). The perception of senior nursing students with a cumulative GPA of 2.00-2.50 were
higher than those with a cumulative GPA 3.51 or more (F = 4.26, p.05). The perception of
senior nursing students studying in the institution of the ministry of public health were
higher than those studying in the ministry of education and ministry of defense (F = 13.50,
p.001). However, for the ideal image of the professional nurse, there was no significant
difference between sex, having a relative as a nurse, cumulative GPA, receiving a scholarship and institution of study of the senior nursing students (p >.05).
These findings suggest that the administrators in nursing education and nursing
service should critically focus and enhance the actual image of the professional nurse.
Moreover, they should consider a model to develop the actual image to increasingly
approach the ideal image of the professional nurse. Consequently, acceptability, value and
successful would be in the nursing profession.

Article Details

Research Article


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