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วันวิสา คำสัตย์
รุ้งระวี นาวีเจริญ


This quasi-experimental study was aimed to examine the effects of a nurse coaching
intervention on swallowing in ischemic stroke patients with dysphagia at the stroke unit in
Chonburi hospital between May and December 2015. Fourty four subjects were purposively
sampled and assigned in the control and experimental group via pair matching with gender,
age and severity of stroke, with a total of twenty two subjects in each group. The experimental
group received a nurse coaching intervention whereas the control group received
routine nursing care. The nurse coaching intervention consisted of individualized session of
rehabilitation for increasing the swallowing of subjects via cargiver’s involvement over 5
days of hospital admission and 2 follow up phone calls after discharge at the end of the
1st week. The nurse coaching session included educational and skill strategies which
consisted of 6 steps: goal setting, analysis, exploration, planning action, learning and feedback.
Data were collected by demographic form, an Ischemic stroke patient swallowing
assessment form and a caregiver ability assessment form. The content validity of the
program and all instruments were verified by five experts and tested for inter-rater reliability
yielding a value of .97 and 1.0. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and hypotheses
were tested with paired t-test and independent t-test.
The findings were as follows:
1. The mean score of swallowing in the experimental group was significantly higher
than before receiving the program (p<.05).
2. After completion of the intervention, the experimental group had a significantly
higher mean score of swallowing than the control group (p<.05).

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Research Article


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