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โชติกา สุจารี
กนกพร สุคำวัง
วณิชา พึ่งชมภู


The study aimed to investigate the effect of integrated pelvic floor exercise on severity
of urinary incontinence among older women. This study was assigned into two group
pretest-posttest quasi-experimental research. The samples were 52 older women aged
60-69 years residing in Chiang Mai Province who met with the inclusion criteria. The
subjects were assigned into experimental and control group, with 26 in each group, using
age, types, and severity of urinary incontinence as matched pair. Research instruments
included the Integrated Pelvic Floor Exercise Program, Kegel Exercise Program, and The
Severity of Urinary Incontinence Assessment. The experimental group received the integrated
pelvic floor exercise, whereas the control group received Kegel exercise. Data were analyzed
using descriptive statistics and Independent-t-test.
The results of this study revealed that
Older women with urinary incontinence who received the integrated pelvic floor
exercise had a significantly less severity of urinary incontinence than those who received
Kegel Exercise (p< .001).
These findings could guide nurses in managing stress incontinence, urge incontinence,
and mixed incontinence.

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Research Article


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