The Effect of Coaching Program on Ability of Caregivers Taking Care of Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Regarding Nasogastric Tube Feeding

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Nattawadee Sookphiroh
Rungrawee Navicharern


This study employed a quasi-experimental design. It aimed to compare the ability
of caregivers in taking care of patients with head and neck cancer using nasogastric tube
feeding before and after receiving a coaching program and compare the ability between
caregivers in taking care of patients with head and neck cancer using nasogastric tube
feeding who received the coaching program and those who received conventional nursing
care. The research sample comprised 60 caregivers of patients with head and neck cancer
using nasogastric tube feeding at Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital. Purposive sampling was
used to separate the patients into the control and experiment groups – 30 participants in
each. The groups were matched in terms of sex, age, relationship and education level. The
experiment group received the coaching program. This program was based on the coaching
model of Eaton and Johnson18 who collaborated with the nursing care process while the
control group received the usual nursing care. Experimental tools included the coaching
program, teaching plan and guidebook for caregivers. Data collection included a
questionnaire on demographic information and the ability of the caregiver to take care of
patients with head and neck cancer using nasogastric tube feeding. The experimental
measurement control in this study was the assessment form for the confidence of the
caregiver in taking care of patients. The duration of the study totaled 4 weeks. Data were
analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test.

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Research Article


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