Hyperthermia Management in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients : A Meta-analysis

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Panida Rattanawan
Chanokporn Jitpanya


The purposes of this meta-analysis were to 1) collect and analyze evidence related
to research on hyperthermia management in traumatic brain injury patients, 2) describe
characteristics of research on hyperthermia management in traumatic brain injury patients,
3) analyze the effect sizes of hyperthermia management in traumatic brain injury patients,
and 4) synthesize knowledge gained from the study to develop further research. In this
study, 6 studies conducted in Thailand between 1989 and 2013 were included from a thesis
and research reports. The instruments used to collect the information were a summary of
the research report and an assessment of research quality form. The effect sizes were
calculated for each study using the method of Glass, McGaw, and Smith.14 This
meta-analysis yielded 11 effect sizes. The results of this meta-analysis were as follows:
1. All of these studies were in Master degree of nursing science (100%). Half of the
studies (50%) were published between 2009 and 2013. The research studies had a high
level of reliability and were quasi-experimental research (66.67%). The total of sample were
traumatic brain injury patients (100%). The method for hyperthermia management can be
identified into two types: hyperthermia management by using antipyretic medications
combined with other methods (50%) and hyperthermia management without using
antipyretic medications (50%). The result of the studies was body temperature (100%).
2. Mean of the effect sizes on hyperthermia management (d = -0.52) with negative
value between -0.41 and -0.66. The largest effect size of hyperthermia management was
the local head and neck cooling without using antipyretic medications (d = -0.66). While the
tepid sponge with cold water combined with a fan without using antipyretic medications
had a smallest effect size (d = -0.41).

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Research Article


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