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วัชราพร เชยสุวรรณ
รุ่งทิพย์ ช้างศิลา
สมใจ ศุภนาม
อมรทิพย์ ณ บางช้าง


The purposes of this classroom action research were to 1) develop the programmed
instruction for tutoring in community health nursing and primary medical care subject with
the expected criteria of 80/80, and 2) study the satisfaction of the nursing students towards
the programmed instruction. The samples were eighty-six fourth-year nursing students of
The Royal Thai Navy College of Nursing in academic year 2013. The research instruments
included 1) the programmed instruction for tutoring in community health nursing and
primary medical care subject, 2) the community health nursing and primary medical care
subject comprehensive test, and 3) the satisfaction of the programmed instruction usage
questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was .902. Data were analyzed by
descriptive statistics and content analysis for qualitative data. The results of this research
were as follows: 1) The programmed instruction for tutoring in community health nursing
and primary medical care subject had an standard efficiency (80/80) at 81.99/82.31. 2) The
nursing students showed high satisfaction towards the programmed instruction.

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Research Article


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