The Development of an Elective Course: Social Gerontology for Bachelor of Nursing Science Students

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Jarouyporn Thagleawpun


The purpose of this study was to develop an elective course entitled “Social
Gerontology for Bachelor of Nursing Science Students”. The study was divided into four
phases, namely, 1) need assessment, 2) course development, 3) pilot course
implementation, and 4) course evaluation. The need assessment involved documentary
analysis and focus group discussions. Participants included 18 nursing instructors, 24
nursing students, 20 professional nurses working in community hospitals and health
promoting hospitals, and 24 older persons living in Maung District, Lampang Province. Data
were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The need assessment results were input
into initial course development involving 8 nursing instructors who served as the curriculum
development committee. The draft of the elective course was then validated and reviewed
by 3 experts. The researcher and the curriculum committee improved the course in
accordance with the experts’ advice. The revised course was then implemented with 45
second year nursing students. Each student was assigned to work collaboratively with an
older person (45 older persons in total) throughout the course. The course was comprised
of 30 hours of classroom teaching and learning experiences and 18 hours of experiential
learning with older persons. The course evaluation included: observation and tests of
student’s achievements in five domains of learning outcomes stipulated in Thailand
Qualifications Framework (Nursing), student’s satisfaction toward the course, and student’s
competency in older person care. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, namely,
mean and SD.

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Research Article


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