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ธนวัฒน์ ศุภนิตยานนท์
ธนษวัฒน์ ชัยกุล


Maritime medicine is a new specialty which was introduced only during last few decades. It combined
knowledge and experience from all medical aspects of life at sea. In the past decades, the increasing utilization of
the sea through seafaring, transportation, ffiisheries, offshore industries, and recreation has emphasized the importance
of this ffiield. Working at sea is, unquestionably, one of the most challenging and dangerous jobs in the

As early as the 1700s, James Lind (1716-1794), the father of maritime medicine, introduced this ffiield as
“Nautical medicine” because sea navigation and the health of sailors were the most crucial factors for success
during colonialism. There has been a continuity of development of health at sea from then to now. The medical
standards of maritime medicine has helped humankind advance. The maritime focus brings together various branches
of professional practice, namely, occupational medicine, emergency medicine, naval medicine, underwater and
hyperbaric medicine as well as aviation medicine.
Therefore, the future development and implementation of maritime medicine will be definitely essential and
should be beneffiicial to all stakeholders.

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Academic Article