ประสิทธิผลของการทำแผลร่วมกับการพันผ้ายืดปิ่นเกล้า 2009 ในผู้ป่วยหลอดเลือดดำที่ขา ห้องตรวจโรคศัลยกรรม โรงพยาบาลสมเด็จพระปิ่นเกล้า

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สมบูรณ์ เจิมสุจริต
อุบลวรรณ มาลากุล
อภิรัฐ แสงเพ็ชร์ส่อง
เบญจพันธ์ เพชรเสนา
วัชราพร เชยสุวรรณ


This study was a research and development of wound treatment for venous leg ulcer patients. Its purpose
was to study an effectiveness of wound dressing and compressive bandaging a long with using Pinklao 2009
Bandage in aspects of 1) time for the wound to completely healing 2) overall expense from any case of treatment
3) patients’ satisfaction from the treatment and 4) patients’ self care practice to promote ulcer healing. The sample
were from 28 venous leg ulcer patients whom treated with compressive bandaging in Somdech Phra Pinklao
Hospital’s surgical room. The instruments composed of dressing equipment, self care practice to promote ulcer
healing interview form, and patients’ satisfaction questionnaire, the reliability scores were 0.72 and 0.92 respectively.
Data were analysed by descriptive statistics, and applying Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test to analyze both difference
of expense and patients’ self care practice to promote ulcer healing. The results indicated that, from the sample,
there was 57.15% female, and average time for the wound to completely healing was 8.04 weeks. The last week
mean scores of patients’ self care practice to promote ulcer healing were significantly higher than the one in the
second week mean scores, at the .05 level. Lastly, the average of overall expense for wound dressing a long with
using Pinklao 2009 Bandage were lower than the one using regular wound dressing, at the .05 level.

Article Details

Research Article