Development of Community Network Participated Care system with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), At Samat Hospital


  • Jidapa Sangkla At Samat Hospital
  • Ratchaneekohn kaihin At Samat Hospital
  • Manit Sachiyo Muang At Samat School
  • Charnnarong Chaiudomsom Institute for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Northeast
  • Kannika Chockatree Du Subdistrict Administrative Organization
  • Pranom Nontarit Ban Lin Fa Child Development Center


Purposes : To analyze a situation, develop the system and evaluate results on community network participated care system with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), At Samat Hospital.

Study design: Mutual collaborative action research.

Materials and Methods : The Key informants were include service users, service providers and those responsible for the care system for children with ADHD within the service network. The research was divided into three phases: situation analysis, system development and system evaluation. Data collection were carried out using the SNAP-IV (Short Form) behavior rating scale, an evaluation form for adherence to ADHD care and referral guidelines and a set of focus group discussion. Data analysis were performed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

Main findings : 1) Issues were found in the pre-hospital, in-hospital, and referral systems. 2) The ADHD care system involving community network participation consists of: (1) analyzing and studying the problem situation, (2) enhancing the network’s knowledge and adjusting the attitudes of those involved, (3) screening and identifying cases in the community and schools, (4) referring non-complex cases to community hospitals to be seen by a physician coached by a child psychiatrist and referring complex cases to Roi Et Hospital, (5) providing feedback for follow-up and joint care and (6) exchanging knowledge through After Action Review after each cycle of implementation. And 3) The evaluation results showed that the prevalence of ADHD from 2021 to 2023 were 9.11% (282/3,094), 9.66% (302/3,125) and 11.43% (306/2,678), respectively. Additionally, the incidence of violent incidents decreased to 70.0%, 50.0% and 40.0% respectively.

Conclusion and recommendations : This study shows that ADHD care system can reduce behavioral problems in ADHD. Therefore, related agencies should continue to adapt it to be consistent with context. The research was conducted from October 2021 to September 2023, spanning a period of 3 years.


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2024-06-24 — Updated on 2024-06-27


How to Cite

Sangkla J, kaihin R, Sachiyo M, Chaiudomsom C, Chockatree K, Nontarit P. Development of Community Network Participated Care system with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), At Samat Hospital. J Res Health Inno Dev [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];5(2):242-55. Available from: