Development of a Care model for Substance-induced Psychosis on Serious Mental Illness and Risk to Violence, Mueang Roi-Et District, Roi-Et Province


  • Piyakanya Kaenwicha Roi Et Provincial Public Health Office
  • Sunee Arvon Roi Et Hospital
  • Wilailuk duangbubpa Roi Et Provincial Public Health Office


การดูแลผู้ป่วยยาเสพติด, อาการทางจิตและเสี่ยงก่อความรุนแรง


Purposes : To study situation, develop a model, and evaluate a care model for substance-induced  psychosis on serious mental Illness and risk to violence, Mueang Roi-Et District, Roi-Et Province.

Study design : Action research.

Materials and Methods : The Key informants were 1) service users, including substance-induced  psychosis on serious mental Illness and risk to violence; and family caregivers in the situation study phase, 60 of participants and 20 of participants in model development phase, 2) related service personnel, 10 of participants, and 3) those primarily responsible for operations and family caregivers,10 of participants. Data were collected using data recording forms, assessment forms, and group discussion questions. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis.

Main findings : 1)  Stakeholders had the same perception of problem situation. There was awareness and importance of caring for drug patients who have mental illnesses and are at risk of causing violence in community or repeating violence. But there was still a lack of clear and uniform guidelines for care, referral, and rehabilitation. 2) The model for caring for drug patients consists of 3 stages, namely screening stage at screening center at Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital and Roi-Et Hospital, to be taken care of by a drug screening center and rehabilitation therapy, and 3) Evaluation of continued drug cessation 3 months after rehabilitation treatment. It was found that 15 of participants were urine test results a positive in (50.00%) and a negative in 50 of participants (50.00%) of drug patients with psychotic symptoms and risk of violence was to decrease from 2021 - 2023 BE to 110%, 21%, and 3%, respectively.

Conclusion and recommendations : Results from this research result in drug patients receiving continuous care and follow-up.


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How to Cite

Kaenwicha P, Arvon S, duangbubpa W. Development of a Care model for Substance-induced Psychosis on Serious Mental Illness and Risk to Violence, Mueang Roi-Et District, Roi-Et Province. J Res Health Inno Dev [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 18 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];5(2):230-41. Available from: