The Development of Clinical Supervision Model for Sepsis in NongPhok Hospital, 2023


  • Chirapon Kumhom NongPhok Hospital
  • Piyanoot Phonyiam NongPhok Hospital
  • Laddawan Srisupa NongPhok Hospital


Clinical supervision, Sepsis


Purposes : To study the situation and develop a clinical supervision model for a group of patients with sepsis of the Nong Phok Hospital.

Study design : Action research with Mutual collaborative approach.

Materials and Methods : The population and sample were professional nurses working at Nong Phok Hospital. Selection according to inclusion and exclusion qualifications divided into 5 professional nurses who supervise and 26 professional nurses who supervise, there are 3 phases as follows: 1) Situation analysis phase. Study the clinical supervision model Study the nursing situation for patients with sepsis. And study the needs for the development of clinical supervision 2) Development process Bring the analyzed situation to the meeting. Developed using an action research cycle of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting on practice together. 3) Evaluation period during implementation and evaluate the overall results at the end of the research. The tools used in the research include: the in-depth interview consists of 2 parts: general information and main questions used in the interview. Practice observation form of professional nurses Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Calculate the percentage difference and analyze content data.

Main findings : 1) Situation of clinical supervision for sepsis in Nong Phok Hospital found that in terms of supervision style, supervision methods differed in each department according to the experience and understanding of the supervisors. In terms of nursing practice, it was found that assessment and care were not appropriate for specific patients at each stage of disease progression. Nurses lack confidence in nursing practice. And in terms of development needs, it was found that there was a need for a clear clinical supervision model to be in the same direction. 2) Clinical supervision model for sepsis Model consists of 4 steps: (1) determine the topic of supervision and schedule the supervision appointment; (2) select the clinical supervision method jointly between the supervisor and the supervisee; (3) conduct clinical supervision. by day Agreed time and direction (4) The supervisor records the results of clinical supervision and presents them to the supervisor. It was found that after using the developed click supervision model, the percentage difference in nursing activities in caring for patients with sepsis at each stage of disease progress was as follows: SIRS stage equal to 1.79, Sepsis stage equal to 3.24, and Severe sepsis/Septic shock was 1.28, showing that there was a change in nursing practice for the better.

Conclusion and recommendations : The results of this research resulted in reducing the gap between supervisors and those receiving supervision. Create a new learning atmosphere with clear supervision guidelines. And extend this model to clinical supervision in other important disease groups.


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How to Cite

Kumhom C, Phonyiam P, Srisupa L. The Development of Clinical Supervision Model for Sepsis in NongPhok Hospital, 2023. J Res Health Inno Dev [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 17 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];5(2):206-1. Available from: