The development community potential in Basic Life Support Salaphum District Roi-Et province


  • Paranath Promsiri Salaphum Hospital


Resuscitationz, Community capacity development


Purposes : To develop community potential in basic resuscitation in the area of ​​Selaphum District, Roi Et Province.

Study design : Research and Development study.

Material and Methods : The research were dcivided into 3 phases: 1) situation analysis phase 2) implementation phase and 3) evaluation phase. The sample group consisted of 10  medical personnel, 60 volunteer leaders and  276 people living in 3 sub-districts, Obtained from simple random sampling, conducted  from  March to May 2024. Data were collected using a questionnaire and assessment form data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Paired sample t-test.

Main findings : After training the volunteer leaders (Teacher A) had an mean scores of knowledge about resuscitation. The preliminary level was significantly higher than before the training (p<.001). And the standards for chest compression speed and chest compression  per release  were met. And correct use of the AED were 78.8% and 75.7%, respectively. And after the training, Teacher B had an average score of knowledge about resuscitation. The preliminary level was significantly higher than before the training (p<.001) and there were compliance with the standards and correct use of the AED, accounting for 63.8% and 63.8%, respectively.

Conclusion and recommendations : The potential in emergency operating systems should be developed to more efficient. And widespread so that people have confidence in emergency medical system and that people have a better survival rate. Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.


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How to Cite

Promsiri P. The development community potential in Basic Life Support Salaphum District Roi-Et province. J Res Health Inno Dev [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];5(2):193-205. Available from: