Factors affecting the performance of promoting mental health and preventing mental health problems in the community of village health volunteers, Nong Ya Plong District Phetchaburi Province


  • Supamas Aurachon Nong Ya Plong Hospital


Mental health problems, Village health volunteer, Social support, Communication skills for change


Purposes : To study the work performance and factors affecting the performance of promoting mental health and preventing mental health problems in the community of village health volunteers in Nong Ya Plong District Phetchaburi Province.

Study design : Descriptive study.

Materials and Methods : A total of 175 village health volunteers who met the inclusion criteria collected data using a questionnaire between January and April 2024. Data were analyzed using statistics: percentage, mean, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum values. Analyze correlation coefficients and multiple regression equations. Statistical significance was determined at the .05 level.

Main finding : (1) Most of the sample group performed work to promoting mental health and preventing mental health problems in the community at a moderate level, 67.8 percent. (2) Factors affecting the performance of promoting mental health and preventing mental health problems in the community of village health volunteers (p< .001) include: social support (Beta=.509) and communication skills for change in emotional health behavior (Beta=.358). Together they can explain variations in the performance of promoting mental health and preventing mental health problems in the community accounting for 64.5 percent (R2 = .645).                                              

Conclusion and recommendations : Relevant agencies should encourage village health volunteers to be motivated to the performance of promoting mental health and preventing mental health problems in the community. By promoting social support such as information, budget, materials, and operational facilities. And should continue to develop communication skills for change in emotional health behavior for the people.


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How to Cite

Aurachon S. Factors affecting the performance of promoting mental health and preventing mental health problems in the community of village health volunteers, Nong Ya Plong District Phetchaburi Province. J Res Health Inno Dev [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 2 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];5(2):181-92. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrhi/article/view/271466