The development of care models in Psychiatric Patients by Development Process of District Level Quality of life in Phonsawan District Nakhon Phanom Province


  • Pradit Srisan Phonsawan District Public Health Office
  • rachanee Srisan Phonsawan District Public Health Office
  • Sangduen Sriworasan PhonSawan Hospital
  • Touchawit WongKhemma Phonsawan District Public Health Office


The development of care models in Psychiatric Patients, Psychiatric Patients, District Level Quality of life


Purposes : 1) To study the development of the model and evaluate the results of developing a model for caring for psychiatric patients through the district level quality of life development process, Phonsawan District, Nakhon Phanom Province. 

Study design :  Action Research.

Materials and Methods : By using purposive sampling, the participants consisted of 1) 21 people in the District Quality of Life Development Committee, Phonsawan District, 2) 35 people with Psychiatric Patients subcommittee, and 3) 621 people with Psychiatric Patients,Relative and Caregiver. There were 3 phases of research. Phase 1 analyzed the situation. Phase 2 improving the quality of life at the district level, Phase 3 evaluated the development of a care model in Psychiatric Patients Conducting research in Phonsawan District Nakhon Phanom Province. Questionnaire on the performance of roles and duties of the Quality of Life Development Committee satisfaction assessment form and the UCCARE process performance evaluation form. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics t-test (One sample) statistics and a simple correlation analysis. The results showed that.

Main findings : There was a care system for Psychiatric Patients, CPG in care, Standard Operating Procedure of Phonsawan district and data linking, borrowing equipment and a fund has been established to help Psychiatric Patients Fundraising is organized in order to have a budget to help Psychiatric Patients. 1) Average scores for the roles of the committee and sub-committee on quality of life improvement at district level, each aspect and overall after system development higher than the expected threshold in all aspects with statistical significance at the .05 level. 2) Average scores for patient and caregiver satisfaction after system development  side by side and overall  above threshold  expected, all aspects were statistically significant at the .05 level. 3) Roles of the Board and Sub-Committees on Individual and Overall Quality of Life Development have a relationship with a statistically significant UCCARE-based performance at .01 level.

Conclusion and recommendations : The use of guidelines for the continuous care of Psychiatric Patients should be promoted.


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How to Cite

Srisan P, Srisan rachanee, Sriworasan S, WongKhemma T. The development of care models in Psychiatric Patients by Development Process of District Level Quality of life in Phonsawan District Nakhon Phanom Province. J Res Health Inno Dev [Internet]. 2024 May 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];5(2):167-80. Available from: