Model of Efficiency on Management of Local Health Insurance fund Khe Lek Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Atsamat District, Roi-Et


  • Nantiya Pradit Roi Et Provincial Public Health Office


Efficiency, Management, Local Health Insurance fund


Purposes : To revealed a situation, develop models and evaluate results on efficiency on management of local health insurance fund Khe Lek Subdistrict Administrative Organization,  Atsamat, Roi-Et. 

Study design : Mutual collaborative action  research. 

Materials and Methods : 48 of key informants were from the local sector network, 2 of participants from academic network, and 33 of co-researchers from public sector network. The research were divided into 3 phases: situation analysis phase, development phase, and evaluation phase.  Data collection were used tests, questionnaires, recordings and observational forms. The research was conducted from October 2021 to September 2022 and analyzed using frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations.

Main findings : 1) Revealed of problem situation found that problems were found in personnel, budget, materials and management. 2) The context of area organizing, a workshop organizing a community forum Board potential, development training study tour Self-evaluation, supervision, monitoring, support, organizing a forum to exchange knowledge. and comparison of operating results before and after development were efficiency on management of local health insurance fund Khe Lek Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Atsamat, respectively, and 3) the committee, fund subcommittee and representatives of various groups of health insurance fund have a good level of knowledge about fund and overall fund management. Participation and overall operating average score Increased from before development.

Conclusion and recommendations : The results of this research resulted in target having knowledge, participation and overall operations increased from before development.


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How to Cite

Pradit N. Model of Efficiency on Management of Local Health Insurance fund Khe Lek Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Atsamat District, Roi-Et. J Res Health Inno Dev [Internet]. 2024 May 10 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];5(2):84-99. Available from: