Development of newborn care models for mothers who use methamphetamine Labor and Delivery Department So Phisai Hospital So Phisai District Bueng Kan Province


  • Wilailuck Kongkham
  • Tisiruk Chantarak


Model development, Newborn care model for mothers who use methamphetamine in the delivery room, Results of development of newborn care model for mothers who use methamphetamine


Purposes: To study the situation develop a model and study the results of developing a newborn care model for mothers who use methamphetamine in nursing care So Phisai Hospital.

Study design: Action Research.

Materials and Methods: The main target group is 8 professional nurses, including 5 professional nurses working in birth nursing, 3 professional nurses who come to work in birth nursing, and newborns whose mothers use methampheta. Her urine and urine were positive. 7 people came to give birth at So Phisai Hospital.The research is divided into 4 phases: 1) analyze the problem situation, 2) develop a care model, 3) test the use of the model, 4) evaluate results. Conducted from January to March 2024, data were collected using in-depth interviews about caring for newborns in mothers who use methamphetamine, assessment of compliance with guidelines for evaluating newborns in mothers who use methamphetamine, and knowledge test about care newborns of mothers who use methamphetamine. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. Compare differences in knowledge about newborn care among mothers who used methamphetamine before and after the development using the dependent t-test statistic (p<.05).                                                                        

Main findings: 1) Situation analysis phase found that problems in caring for newborns in mothers who use methamphetamine in terms of policies, work systems, nursing personnel, and the need for newborn care models for mothers who use methamphetamine. 2) The model for caring for newborns in mothers who use methamphetamine consists of 6 steps: (1) taking a history of drugs and substance use, (2) having a history of risk, (3) checking. Urine to look for addictive substances and screening using Immunochomatography (IMC) (4) Referral to drug clinic (5) Doctor for surveillance (6) Consult a pediatrician for surveillance  3) After using the newborn care model for mothers who used methamphetamine, it was found that The newborn had no serious complications. Practitioners were able to follow the newborn care model for mothers who use methamphetamine (95.0%). Their knowledge increased at a high level. Therefore, the developed model can be used to accurately assess neonatal complications in mothers who use methamphetamine. Fast and efficient Suitable for using the model in other departments with similar contexts/problem situations.

Conclusion and recommendations: The results of this study will be used as a model for neonatal nursing in mothers who use methamphetamine in order to evaluate, monitor and reduce the severity of complications in newborns. Causes quality nursing results.


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2024-04-30 — Updated on 2024-04-30


How to Cite

Kongkham W, Chantarak T. Development of newborn care models for mothers who use methamphetamine Labor and Delivery Department So Phisai Hospital So Phisai District Bueng Kan Province. J Res Health Inno Dev [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];5(2):63-7. Available from: