Effects of Self-management Programs on self-management Behavior Hemoglobin A1C of Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Phonsai District Roi-Et Province


  • Karakada junsom Phonsai Hospital


Self-management program, Self-management behavior, Type 2 diabetes patients


Purposes : To study the effects of the self-management program on the self-management behavior of patients. Diabetes mellitus type 2, Phonsai District Roi-Et province.

Study design : This Quasi -experimental research (Two groups pre-post test research design)

Material and Methods : The sample group used in this study included type 2 diabetic patients whose levels were controlled blood sugar not 64 patients came for treatment at phonsai hospital, divided into a control group of 32 cases and an experimental group of 32 cases. The control group received normal service,the experimental group received a self-management program by I applied the self-management concept of Kanfer&Gaelick (1988). The research tools included a 4 step.12 week self-management program, a behavior modification recording form, personal information questionnaire, self-management behavior questionnaire Data were analyzed using Chi-Square test and Paired t-test.

Main findings : The experimental group had self-management behavior in eating food, taking medicine, exercise, stress management and illness management are better than  before joining the program and are better. The control group was statistically significant (p<.05). The experimental group had a significantly lower average cumulative sugar level than the control group, statistically significant (p<.05).

Conclusion and recommendations : The said program should be made into a continuous activity in hospital and related subdistrict health promoting hospitals to provide  patients with knowledge and the ability to manage their disease by themselves correctly and to cover all type 2 diabetic  patients who are unable to control their blood sugar levels.


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2024-04-28 — Updated on 2024-04-29


How to Cite

junsom K. Effects of Self-management Programs on self-management Behavior Hemoglobin A1C of Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Phonsai District Roi-Et Province . J Res Health Inno Dev [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];5(2):50-62. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrhi/article/view/270742