Development of pharmaceutical Care Process and Effect Evaluation on Type 2 diabetic patients at Mueangsuang Hospital, Roi-Et Province


  • Nutthawut Nutthawut Langsanam Langsanam Mueangsuang hospital


Diabetic patients, Development, Pharmaceutical care


Purposes : To develop the operational process of pharmaceutical care for diabetic patients and the results of pharmaceutical care for type 2 diabetic patients at Mueangsuang Hospital Roi Et Province.

Study design : Action Research.

Materials and Methods : This research is divided into 3 phases: 1) Situation analysis 2) Development process of pharmaceutical care for type 2 diabetic patients  and 3) Results in development process of pharmaceutical care. Data were collected using a form and data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Compare results before and after development with paired sample t-test and content analysis.

Main findings : Situation found that there is a lack of uniform guidelines for pharmaceutical care. A variety of tools are used to assess drug problems and adverse drug reactions. Lack of assessment of knowledge and adherence. And lack of integration of work system to the community and household levels. We have developed guidelines for pharmaceutical care by following up on drug related problem and solve the problem, monitoring adverse reaction, Promoting knowledge and adherence. Results After developing the process for pharmaceutical care operations, the percentage differences were as follows 1) 22.80% decrease in blood glucose level (FBS), 2) 15.78% decrease in cumulative blood glucose level (HbA1c) and 3) 21.76% decrease in LDL level, and 2.11% decrease in body mass index, respectively.

Conclusion and recommendations : Developing the operating process and results of pharmaceutical care for type 2 diabetes patients is increase work mor efficient by find and solve the drug related problem, improve medication safety by monitoring for adverse reactions and increase efficiency in medical treatment by promoting knowledge and adherence. So that diabetic patients can control their disease effectively. As well as the developed guidelines, they can be developed as guidelines for providing pharmaceutical care in other diseases in the future.


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How to Cite

Langsanam NNL. Development of pharmaceutical Care Process and Effect Evaluation on Type 2 diabetic patients at Mueangsuang Hospital, Roi-Et Province . J Res Health Inno Dev [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 28 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];5(2):31-49. Available from: