Development and evaluation of practice guidelines for prevention drug-resistant infections of nursing personnel in Medical and Surgery ward Suwannaphum Hospital


  • Parichart Jaidee Suwannaphum Hospital
  • Phimsupha tidchom Suwannaphum Hospital


preventing drug, resistant, infections


Purpose : To development and evaluation of  practice guidelines for prevention of drug-resistant infection of nursing personnel working at the Medical and Surgical Ward, Suwannaphum Hospital

Design : Research and development  study

Materials and Methods : A total of 46 nursing personnel working at the Medical and Surgical Ward Suwannaphum Hospital. The research tool was a questionnaire consisting of 4 parts which were 1) General information 2) Nursing personnel satisfaction assessment form for the application of guidelines for the prevention of drug-resistant infections 3) Opinion evaluation form on methods to promote practice in preventing and preventing transmission of resistant strains 4) Compliance with guidelines for the prevention of the spread of drug resistant strains of nursing personnel. Test your confidence by the Cronbach's alpha was 0.78. Data were collected by questionnaires between 1 March 2019 - 31 March 2019. Analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentage, average and Standard deviation.

Main findings:  Found that nursing personnel were highly satisfied with the  drug-resistance spread prevention practice (51.44%), commenting about to promote practice of infection prevention and practice guidelines for drug-resistant transmission was  agree level (66.3%), and  nursing personnel practice by the anti-spread practice guideline was  practical level (88.24%).

Conclusion and recommendations: Guidelines for promoting the prevention of all drug-resistant infections should be used as a nursing policy. Develop a model for promotion of action prevention and control of drug resistant infection to be easy to implement and continuously monitor and evaluate the performance


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How to Cite

Jaidee P, Jaidee P. Development and evaluation of practice guidelines for prevention drug-resistant infections of nursing personnel in Medical and Surgery ward Suwannaphum Hospital. J Res Health Inno Dev [internet]. 2020 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];1(3):53-62. available from:



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