ปัจจัยที่มีผลต่อการบริหารงานหน่วยกู้ชีพตำบล ขององค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น จังหวัดชัยภูมิ


  • พรชัย มโนธรรมสถิต
  • วิลาวรรณ พันธุ์พฤกษ์
  • พีรพงษ์ บุญสวัสดิ์กุลชัย


first responder, Administration, Tambol Administration Organizations


A predictive descriptive research aimed to study factors affecting first responder administration withintambol administrative organization in Chaiyaphum province. Samples were 142 division and first responder oftambol administrative organization. Furthermore the questionnaire used the administrative idea of Koontz H.D.Data was collected through a questionnaire composing of four main parts; characteristics of samples and theirorganization, first responder Administration and factors affecting first responder administration. Content validitywas tested by seven experts and Alpha Chronbach’s coefficient was used to test reliability and its reliability was0.98. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis.The results revealed that; 1) Mean score of total first responder administration score was 3.27,S.D.=0.98each administrative dimension passessed the mean score at a moderate level. Leadership dimension showed thehighest mean score and the organization dimension, planning dimension, controller dimension, and personneladministrative dimension were lowest. 2) Factors Correlative first responder administration at moderate level wereorganization factor, vehicle factor, and tools and equipments factor(r=0.574, P< 0.01, r = 0.676, P< 0.01, r =0.777, P< 0.01respectively). 3) Factors that could be used to predict first responder administration at 0.01significantly,were the tools and equipment factor(beta=.265), with priority and participation factor(beta=.597)at 64%.

