

  • อัจฉรา สิทธิกระโทก พยาบาล
  • เสาวคนธ์ วีระศิริ


Family Adaptation, Family, Adolescent with Addiction


This multi-cases study was aimed to study family adaptation among adolescent with addiction. The participants consisted of 5 families of adolescents with addiction. The family resiliency concept was applied. The study tool consisted of family adaptation interview guideline and family coping questionnaire. The content validity was checked by five experts; CVI 0.78 and 0.7 sequentially. The study tools was tried out with 10 similar families for feasibility. Content analysis was done for analyzing data.

The family consisted of 3 mothers and 2 grandparents aged between 35–70 years. All addiction adolescents were boys. Their income was not sufficient and had debt. The family stressor is their adolescents was addiction and not quit. The vulnerability was parental separation, low parenting practice and poor relationships, including, community having more drug abusers and selling it. The families were suffering and shame. Family coping had attempted to cover up. They consulted only with health personnel. The family function and relationships were not adjusted during therapy. They had just worked for making money and did not improved their parenting role. Only one family had planned for adolescent study and work for good future life

As the finding, health personnel who involve with therapy and rehabilitation process should develop caring and promoting method for positive family adaptation, especially, increasing effective parenting and good relationship for supporting adolescents quitting from addiction successfully.


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