The การรับรู้วินัยตนเองของวัยรุ่นในสถานคุ้มครองสวัสดิภาพเด็ก ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือจังหวัดขอนแก่น


  • ณัฐพล นามเกษ 0647302334
  • วิลาวัณย์ ชมนิรัตน์


วัยรุ่น, วินัยตนเอง


This research aimed to study the Perception on Self discipline among teenage in Northeastern Child Welfare Protection Institution Khon Kaen Province.This research employed the qualitative research.The key informances were 10 male teenage between 14-18 years in Northeastern Child Welfare Protection Institution Khon Kaen Province.Instrument for collecting data;indept interview, guideline for participant observation, guideline for non-participant observation,data analysis by content analysis.
The results were found that 10 teenagers, most of them perceived self-discipline as follows: Be respon-sible for yourself and your participation consistently.Follow the rules of the agency strictly 3) Have patience consistently. Manage your emotions consistently . Respect the rights of others consistently.Enter Participate in the activities on time.Being honest and consistent.Having a commitment to professional skills training.Self-confidence in work.Being a leader. Some adolescents perceived lack of self-discipline, including :Lack of responsibility for public duties.Violation of regulations prohibiting smoking and leaving the area without permission.Lack of patience in vocational skills training. Irregular control of emotions. Physical abuse of oth-ers. Being late often. Stealing other people and lying sometimes. Feeling lack of clear life goals. Lack of confidence in expression. Not daring to be another leader.
Before returning to family and society. Adolescents have expectations of self-discipline as follows. Able to take care of themselves.Return to live with the family warmly and take care of the family. Able to live happily in society.
The research results show that Northeastern Child Welfare Protection Institution Khon Kaen Province should encourage families to participate in the preparation &plan for self discipline before the teenagers re-turn to society and family. Agencies should create love. Like the home of every teenager especially those without families. Should provide appropriate services that are more in line with the needs of teenagers. Nurs-es should be aware of the fragile mental state of adolescents. Looking at the teen as a whole and should adjust the role of caring like a friend who understands, access, to help teens to discipline themselves with confi-dence.


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