Problem Management Model of Improper Drug Distribution in Grocery Stores: a Model in Huay Kaew Subdistrict, Phu Kam Yao District, Phayao Province
model, drug, grocery store, improper drug distributionAbstract
Background: The Laws of Thailand on Medicines under the Medicines Act B.E. 2510 (1967) and its Amendments prescribe specially controlled drugs, dangerous drugs, ready-packed drugs as non-specially controlled or dangerous drugs, and household medicine. It has allowed household medicines to be commercially available. However, improper distribution of medicines in grocery stores remains a major problem in many provinces, causing long-term health impacts on consumers. Phayao was one of the provinces that encountered unsafe incidents from improper medication, such as allergies from using unregistered kits and medications or allergies from buying antibiotics from grocery stores to treat diseases on their own. Spatial areas such as Phu Kam Yao district have seen a large number of improper drug sales in grocery stores while promoting the safe use of safe drugs in the community continuously.
Objectives: This research was to study the current problem of improper drug distribution in grocery stores, develop a model to manage the problem of improper drug distribution in grocery stores, and study the effect of using a model to manage the problem of improper drug distribution in grocery stores.
Methods: It was an action research project with two steps: The first step was to find out the issues and look into how drugs were distributed in 28 grocery stores. Data were collected using a validated questionnaire. The second phase involved selecting from a specified sample group of 40 persons in order to create a model to address the issue of incorrect drug distribution in the grocery store. Surveys and meetings were used to gather data. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to examine quantitative data. Content analysis was used to examine the qualitative data. The implementation took place between November 2019 and January 2020.
Results: A survey of 28 grocery stores found that most of them had been open for 1–5 years (32.14%), had primary education (46.43%), and had received training or advice from healthcare professionals (64.28%). When studying the distribution of medicines in grocery stores before developing a model to manage the problem of improper distribution of medicines in grocery stores, it was found that the distribution of inappropriate drugs was carried out. The top 3 motivations are based on the needs of people in the community, believing that the drug was safe and profitable at 88.00%, 60.00%, and 52.00%, respectively. Such drugs come from most pharmacies at 96.00%; there was a ready-packed drug that was non-household medicine at 96.00%. Later, when pointing to a problem management model, address the problem of improper distribution of drugs in grocery stores through a community engagement process by recognising the problem condition and defining joint problems, then setting up public relations activities to disseminate knowledge through organising training for the steering team, Educate consumers in community areas through various media in the form of vinyl signs, DVDs, radio spots, and drug media that are prohibited from sale in grocery stores. The number of inappropriate drugs sold in grocery stores decreased from 98.28 to 82.14%, with a slight decrease in packaged medicines from 85.71 to 82.14%, and dangerous and unregistered drugs declined by 14.28 and 3.57% from 39.28 and 17.86%, respectively. Knowledge, attitudes, and community engagement in the samples showed a statistically significant increase at a p-value<0.001.
Conclusions: A model for addressing the problem of improper drug distribution in grocery stores through a community engagement process by encouraging communities to recognise the problem condition and jointly analyse the causes and factors of the problem in order to determine and select appropriate measures to solve it could reduce the problem of improper distribution of medicines in grocery stores, including dangerous and unregistered drugs. The knowledge, attitudes, and participation of the subjects increased statistically significantly.
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