Situation of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Packing Houses to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in Surat Thani Province
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Background: Fresh fruits and vegetables are a source of healthy nutrients that can reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases. However, there were some problems with many kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables containing pesticide residues that exceed the standard regulation levels. They had an effect on people' consumption confidence. Thai Ministry of Public Health issued the Ministry of Public Health Notification No. 386 B.E. 2560 (2017) regarding the production methods, tools and appliances for production and storage of some fresh fruits or vegetables, and labeling to be a standard for fresh fruit and vegetable packing houses. In Surat Thani province, Thailand, there are 20 production sites that have to develop according to the notification.
Objectives: To study the situation of sites of fresh fruit and vegetable packing houses that have entered the development process in accordance with good manufacturing practice criteria, and also to explore problems and suggestions from stakeholders in the development of fresh fruits and vegetables packing houses in Surat Thani province.
Methods: It was a survey research by analysing the results of inspection of 20 production sites of fresh fruits and vegetables packing houses in Surat Thani province and in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs and competent officials at 30 samples on issues regarding the enforcement of the notification No. 386.
Results: The number of fresh fruit and vegetable packing houses In Surat Thani Province had been developed according to the good manufacturing practice criteria, increased from 3 locations (15%) to 17 locations (85%).The overall score of the second audited of all production sites was statistics significantly higher than before, at p< 0.001. The results from in-depth interviews commented that this ministry announcement should apply to all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables and the public and private sectors should work together to support entrepreneurs in developing production sites.
Conclusions: The fresh fruit and vegetable packing houses were able to improve the production sites’ statistics significantly. The key factors were an inspection and knowledge advice to the entrepreneurs. However, all entrepreneurs who failed to folloewd GMP had the same serious flaw: uncontrolled safety pesticide residues on farms. To ensure a safe comsumption chain, government agencies and private sectors should collaborate on safety pesticide residues from upstream, develop a chemical test kit for ease of use, and educate people on fresh fruit and vegetable consumption selection.
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