Food Safety Management Model by Participation in Mahasarakham Hospital

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Pariya Thomudtha
Adisak Thomudtha


Background: Hospitals need to produce safe food for patients and their relatives, also visitors so as not to get exposure contaminated toxins or pathogens which will cause harm or effecting an increased illness. Hench, food in hospitals must be controlled the safety of food through a participation of networks throughout a food chain.  

Objectives: This study aimed to create the food safety management model in Mahasarakham Hospital and explore the impacts after food safety management.

Methods: This study was a participatory action research approach (PAR) that workout between October 2017 and September 2020. The research areas included: the nutrition department in the hospital, the canteen, Cooperative shops, pesticide-free agricultural product sale area at the hospital, and organic farming plots in Mahasarakham province. Specific samples were selected from 43 farmers, 120 patients, and 70 food handlers. The descriptive data included frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, Paired-t-test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, and thematic analysis for qualitative data.

Results: The food safety management model by participation of organic farmers, communities and government agencies as named “MSKH food safety model” was managed through the food chain that from upstream (raw material handling in production), midstream (raw material testing; food safety surveillance; and sanitation standard inspection), and downstream (healthy and safe menu; the identity menu of the hospital; creating health literacy knowledge for samples; also providing spaces for consumers to access safe food to create a culture of safe food consumption). This model yielded to use of raw material for food preparation for patients in the category of organic vegetables to enter the hospital nutrition by up to 75.24% and organic rice 100.00%. It created a safe menu that used organic vegetables recipes 32.00%. Organic rice, fruits, and vegetables from local farmers was purchased at 4,393,762 baht (after 2018-2020, before 2017 was valued at zero baht). All food contaminant inspections conducted in all areas showed contaminants declined steadily in 2017-2020 from 15.36 to 1.19%. It is found that the literacy score on safety food and food sanitation standards before and after of sample group was a statistically significant increase in all aspects of average scores at excellence level by p=0.001 (before 12.27 and after 17.67 of 20 points). Furthermore, the farmers had improved the enzyme cholinesterase in their blood at a statistically significant normal level of p=0.05.

Conclusions: The development of safe food management model in Mahasarakham Hospital had created a form of participation in safe food management that impact changed in food management in the food chain comprehensive hospital. It can improve food safety and food sanitation literacy, as well as health literacy. This management model creates a holistic wellness of people including health, socioeconomic status, and health literacy in self-care in a stable, prosperous, and sustainable manner.

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How to Cite
Thomudtha P, Thomudtha A. Food Safety Management Model by Participation in Mahasarakham Hospital. Thai Food and Drug J [internet]. 2022 Mar. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 18];29(1):42-58. available from:
Research Article


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