Situation and Development of Complaint Data Management on Health Products and Health Services in Term of Health Consumer Protection in Samut Sakhon Province

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Duangkaew Angkoonsit
Ratthanan Jiamwachira


Background: Samut Sakhon province has amount of health product entrepreneurs and health services facilities; hence, there are inevitably complaints by customers that increases trend.

Objectives: This study aimed to explore a situation, and type and severity of complaints on health consumer protection in Samut Sakhon, also to develop a measure of complaint data management on health products and health services.

Methods: The research was a retrospective study which collected data from complaints that were sent to Health Customer Protection Section, Samut Sakhon Provincial Health Office between 1 January and 31 December 2019. The data analysis was descriptive data and used Fisher exact test.

Results: The among of total 100 complaints showed that foods, cosmetics, and health services complaints reached on the top three complaint at 75, 11, and 8 cases respectively. The source of data mostly came from central sectors that included Food and Drugs Administration by 45 cases and Department of Health Service Support at 5 cases. Most of the complaints came from people 62% and the surveillance by agencies 38%. In addition, it was found that 15% of all complaints was a severity level which was the occurrence of minor adverse reaction level until to severe adverse reaction level (Level E). Besides, it demonstrated the statistically significant difference between severity of complaints for health services and health products (p<0.05). Finally, the result of complaint information management developing by using Google application reveled that it was able to increase more effective complaint database management. However, though most of complaints are not severe, it is necessary to watch out severe complaints and makes measures to proactive prevention. Furthermore, the Provincial Public Health Office should have to adept complaint management technology by focusing on the risky severe groups and use this basic information to improve consumer protection to provide people to get health products and health services efficiently and safety.

Conclusions: In Samut Sakhon Province, More severe adverse reaction is related to the hospital service complaints.Type of health product or health service was associated with the severity of the complaint adverse reaction.There should be a systematic management of information for the benefit of the health consumer protection

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How to Cite
Angkoonsit D, Jiamwachira R. Situation and Development of Complaint Data Management on Health Products and Health Services in Term of Health Consumer Protection in Samut Sakhon Province. Thai Food and Drug J [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 23 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];28(2):76-84. Available from:
Research Article


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